What is 5g technology and how it's work?

What is 5g technology and how it's work?

What is 5g technology and how it's work?

What is technology and how it's work?

At present, internet is one of our daily necessities. We can't imagine our life without internet. Because we have to use this internet for different purposes every day.

So it is essential in daily life. And that's why we all want to get great speed internet. And as a result, telecom companies are working on technology to increase internet speeds.

The use of internet is becoming very necessary in various things including smartphones, cars, smart watches. And that's why 5G has come up with some great technologies to enrich wireless internet.

But the question may arise in your mind, what is new in this technology? Also how different is this technology from 3G or 4G? And is this just another new marketing term for mobile operators? Don't worry, you will find the answers to these questions in today's article. So read the article to the end with full attention.

  • What is 5G technology?

As many of you may know, "G" here means "Generation", and that is why wireless companies started their journey from 1G Internet. And then came 2G Internet, which for the first time made it possible to send text messages between two smart devices.

And this is how 3G internet came in phases, which made it possible to use text messages, calls, internet etc a little better and differently. 4G internet also has all the benefits of 3G, but 4G internet is used for more internet speeds.

But with this 4G internet you can easily share any large size file. In addition, it is possible to connect many devices at once. And LTE technology has been invented to further increase the speed of 4G internet, which has made 4G internet even richer.

But in order to connect more devices together and use more bandwidth, technology is needed that can control more bandwidth. And that's why the journey of this 5G internet started.

5G networks have much higher bandwidth speeds than current 4G networks. It is possible to get 1-10 + gigabit / second speed in this technology and it will have latency of only 1 millisecond.

Then you may have realized, using 5G internet, how much internet speed can be increased strangely! And this will make it easier to download or upload 4K videos.

There are also many benefits for gamers. And there is another great advantage of using this 5G internet, it will work with 90% less energy consumption.

If you use 3G or 4G internet, you know how fast this charge runs out. But if you use this 5G internet, it won't happen. Because using 5G network is a lot like using WiFi. It can also be charged for using Wi-Fi.

  • How does 5G technology work?

We call or text many people at different times using smartphones. But when we do this massage or call, a kind of electromagnetic wave is emitted from our smartphone.

Then these electromagnetic waves reach your nearest smartphone tower. And that tower sends your signal to whomever you call. Also, if you send messages, images, videos, etc. to someone, this is done in the same way.

This 5G technology can keep many devices connected together with high bandwidth. Because 5G technology has been specially designed. And so this 5G technology is not just limited to smartphones like 3G or 4G.

Your computer may also have a 5G technology chip, so that the two devices can easily connect to each other using the same technology.

5G technology can be found not only on the 5G network of smartphones but also on any device like WiFi. And as a result of this 5G network so that the two devices can connect.

  • When will 5G technology come?

There is no reason to worry about the time when 5G technology will come: because this technology has already arrived and this service has been launched in many places in America to test this 5G technology.

And Verizon, a major mobile operator, has announced that it will provide trial services for the 5G technology in some US states. Another mobile operator, AT&T, is considering testing 5G Internet in its own lab as a trial.

Although these two big companies are planning to bring 5G technology. But I don't think it will be possible to fully use this technology before 2025 or 2030.

  • The future of 5G technology?

You probably understand how 5G technology can build a better future for the Internet. Also due to the 5G technology's ability to handle high bandwidth, this technology can be used not only for mobile internet but also in other ways.

Different tasks will be possible from 5G internet. Those who play online games may understand the importance of latency. So this 5G technology can be very popular for online gamers with 1 millisecond latency.

But if one device is connected to another, then latency can play a big role. And 5G technology can help establish a better connection between each device. Since this 5G technology uses much less energy, any phone will be able to hold more power.

This technology makes it much easier to use high speed networks for any device. All you need to do is connect a 5G modem to your computer or router. In this way internet of 5G technology can be used in different devices.

Last word: –

You probably understand the potential of the future of 5G technology. I hope you have learned some important information about 5G technology. What is 5G technology, how does it work, when will it come and what is its future? You have learned all these things in this article. So please share the article. Thanks everyone for reading this article. Stay well and healthy everyone.

Shahriar hs

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