What is hosting, how many types and how to buy hosting

What is hosting, how many types and how to buy hosting

What is hosting, how many types and how to buy hosting


Someone Whenever plan to create a website, but in that case there are two main things they need to know. Of these two, the first one is domain and the second is hosting. And It is impossible to build a website without hosting and domain, so first you need to know what a hosting is and what types it is.

We have already discussed in detail about domains. But there is a discussion about what domains are and how many types of domains there are. If necessary, you can read the detailed article by clicking here. Now let's talk about what hosting is.

What is Hosting?

What is Hosting? To answer this question, I would first say that hosting is where hosting is possible. And now you need to know a little bit about the details of hosting. Think that, you buy different vegetables and accessories to cook different dishes in your home. And now the place where you keep the things you bought, that is called a kind of hosting room of your house.

Now when you go to create a website online it will be your website or an address such as: listworld360.blogspot.com is an internet address. Now if anyone arrives at this address, if there is something there, he will see something, but if there is not, then nothing is possible to see. The fact of the matter is that, if there is a domain then no visitor will find anything on the website.

This requires a place to keep all the things that we write on our website or the pictures and videos that we keep. This is where all the content of our website will be stored and if any visitor enters our website then they will be able to see these topics from there.

Hopefully, What Is Hosting? I have been able to understand this. Hosting is a place on the Internet where we can store various information about our website. I hope this time the matter is clearer. Then you also realize that just buying a domain does not make our website complete.

For this, to properly associate that website with different contents, we need a place. And where the various topics of our website will be, we call that place in technical language Hosting. Now we will see how many types of hosting there are.

Types Of Hosting

Above we know the details, what is the hosting issue, now we will find out here what kind of hosting can be. And to understand this you need to understand with a little real vision. Suppose you are renting a house somewhere. And now If you share a room with two people. Then you can live with two people, so then you can use less space in that room.

I hope you understand what I mean by that. Depending on all of this, the hosting can be divided into different ways. The detailed parts are discussed one by one below. And the types of hosting for the internet or web hosting are discussed in detail.

Shared Hosting

This web hosting on the internet is a subject that you can share with others and put your website there. This type of hosting can mean a lot of people living together in a huge hall.

Shared Hosting includes many websites. There are most of the websites hosting in the world depends on this shared hosting. Hopefully you understand what shared hosting is. So, when a single room or server is used by many people or websites at the same time Then it is called shared room or shared hosting.

Advantage Of Shared Hosting

This shared hosting is available at a much lower price. And so on you can use this type of hosting for your website at a much lower price. Also, this type of shared hosting is very useful for those who are creating new websites.

Disadvantage Of Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is like sharing a space. So the amount of it, what we call storage on the Internet is much less available.

This type of hosting does not have the capability to run your website if it becomes a little popular.

Because shared hosting is cheaper, they provide services in less time which makes it difficult to rank in Google search engine.

Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPS)

You may know, the real name of this VPS hosting is Virtual Private server. And this VPS hosting is actually the opposite of shared hosting. And when we discussed about shared hosting, we compared it to sharing a room. But here you own a room or an internet server that you do not need to share with anyone.

VPS hosting is a personal room virtually or on the Internet that no one else can or will have access to. Also, VPS hosting is a specific room covered only for you whose password or key is also your personal. This type of hosting usually involves hosting large websites. And now let's take a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of this VPS hosting.

Advantage Of VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is personal. And it is much more secure than shared hosting. This type of server is kept for only one user, which is why VPS hosting provides very good performance or service.

Since these hostings do not require any sharing, these types of hosting can control a huge amount of website traffic.

Disadvantage Of VPS Hosting

And this type of VPS hosting does not have any problems. But the only common problem is -

VPS hosting tends to be more valuable than shared hosting, and which is a problem for a new blogger to carry.

Dedicated Web Hosting

First we have been learning about shared web hosting and VPS web hosting for so long. And where shared hosting has to be shared with all of us. And only one server is allowed to be used for one person in VPS web hosting. You may know that, this dedicated servers are not just one server but all the servers in a station are dedicated for one user.

Also most of the major companies in the world use this type of dedicated web hosting. In most cases dedicated web hosting companies do not make it for themselves. For example, Amazon has created its own dedicated server which is also sold as someone's hosting. And now let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this type of dedicated web hosting.

Advantage Of Dedicated Web Hosting

Most amount of traffic or visitors can carry these hosting shots very smoothly. This type of dedicated web hosting is very secure.

And this dedicated web hosting is capable of providing very high quality services.

Disadvantage Of Dedicated Web Hosting

This web hosting like a big flat so buying it or building a website on it becomes impossible for the average blogger. Because its ability to use is beyond reach.

Cloud Web Hosting

Cloud web hosting is the most reliable web hosting in the world. Also this cloud web hosting is made up of many servers connected together. And for this, such servers or cloud web hosting are less likely to go down. Also this types of cloud web hosting can easily handle high quality traffic just like dedicated web hosting.

And now we will look at the various advantages and disadvantages of cloud web hosting. Because different web hosting has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage Of Cloud Web Hosting

Cloud web hosting can simultaneously provide multiple levels of service or carry visitors. It goes without saying that such cloud web hosting servers are not likely to be down.

Disadvantage Of Cloud Web Hosting

Cloud web hosting does not expose us to the main point of contact for any website. And for this, it does not give what is called Root Access. Also this type of cloud web hosting is very valuable.

How To By Web Hosting

In this article we already know what hosting is and where it is needed. And also the advantages and disadvantages of different types of hosting. And now you need to know how to buy hosting. So let's see how to buy hosting.

Buying hosting is not a big deal. With just a few things in mind, it is very easy to buy any hosting. But to buy a hosting you must first have an email ID. Hosting can be purchased with any type of email ID, your email ID can be Gmail or Yahoo or Microsoft.

And the second thing you need to do is decide which website or company you want to buy web hosting from. There are many hosting companies that offer web hosting services.

There are also many small and large hosting companies that you can choose from. When you choose a hosting company, then you can go to their website and see the different plans. Shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, etc., as discussed above.

But in this situation you need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. And besides there is also a separate hosting for WordPress that you can use as you wish. When you selected your package you need to decide how long you want to upload.

Once fixed you will need to create an account with that email id on that website and enter a password. Remember that this email ID and password will be very important for you later. And if you follow the prescribed steps and do it properly, then you will be asked to pay the prescribed amount in the last episode. When you have paid the money from here, then you can buy it by posting the package that you have selected.

My opinion

What Is Web Hosting? And a detailed discussion of what those types of hosting are and lastly I tried to explain how we can buy web hosting. I hope you understand all these things.

Now i hope that you uunderstand which web hosting is suitable or good and if you want to buy web hosting accordingly. And i hope you will buy good web hosting.

Last word

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you like the article, please share it. Also if you have any more questions, please let us know in the comments. Thanks everyone for reading this article. Stay well and healthy everyone.

Shahriar hs

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