What is web browser and how it's work?
The current era is called the Internet era. So nowadays almost every person uses the internet. But to use the Internet you must have a web browser.
Using the internet without this web browser is unthinkable. If you want to access a website, you must first use a medium to access it. And this medium of internet usage is web browser.
How can you access the internet without this web browser? So without it you will not be able to use the internet. As you may know, it is often impossible to get into anything without a medium.
But many of us may not know how a web browser works. So today's article will tell you what a web browser is and how a web browser works.
✓✓✓What is web browser?: -
A web browser is a mobile or computer application that helps you access the Internet. But you should never confuse any web browser and any search engine.
Because these are two completely different things from each other. As you may know, search engines are run through a web browser. So these are two completely different things.
This web browser is a software application that helps you connect to Internet servers. And as a result we can enjoy all the benefits of the internet. Such as- design, style, different types of files, contact etc.
And now a search engine is a site that suggests other websites to your liking. I have already told you that it is not possible to use the internet without a web browser.
Similarly, it is never possible to browse without internet. Without the Internet, a web browser becomes completely inoperable.
So it can be said that internet and web browsers complement each other. Now many may say, why just a browsing after having so much beauty inside it? This browsing has been going on in the virtual world for a long time.
Different companies arrange these in different ways to improve and market their own browsers. That is why these are so beautiful to look at and many more new features have been added to them.
~=>A brief history of the browser: -
Web browsers were created right after the Internet. But it is still unclear which is the first web browser in history.
But the idea is that a web browser called Tim Berners-Lee was first created in 1990. It was later renamed Nexus and as a result it gained recognition.
At that time all kinds of computers were accessed only through this software. And as a result, people at that time only used this web browser.
Then suddenly in 1994 it shut down and many more new browsers started coming, and later they took place.
~=>The way a web browser works: -
A web browser is an application that must be installed on any electronics device. It could be a smartphone or a computer. So the first thing to do is to install a web browser.
We usually enter an address or domain name in the address bar after entering the web browser. The request is then sent to the Internet server through these address browsers.
And the Internet server accepts the request and takes it to that website or address. This task takes less than a minute or a second.
The user's request reaches the Internet and the information obtained from the Internet is displayed to the user. So it is the sender, receiver and disposer of information.
Web browsers never work slow. When the internet is slow, web browsers also work slower. At first the browser did not have so many updates, so it could not do all the work.
There have been a lot of updates and a lot of big files are going to be downloaded and shared. It is also going to work in multi tabs with long live streaming facility. As a result, the web browser is now much better than before.
✓✓✓~The advantages of the current web browser: -
- Multi tab open browsing.
- Bookmarking system.
- Easy download.
- Digital design.
- Auto save.
- Data Security.
- Extensions.
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