How increase immune system? top 15 ways to increase immunity

How increase immune system? top 15 ways to increase immunity

How increase immune system. top 15 ways to increase immunity

 How increase immune system? Top 15 ways to increase immunity

To survive from various diseases including corona virus, there is no alternative to increase immunity! Therefore, there is no risk of side effects as a result of preventing the disease by eating food.

Thus, it is wise to increase immunity by eating a variety of foods. So today we will learn about top 15 ways to increase immunity.

1. Importance of Vitamin C in boosting immunity:-

Vitamin C is the most important of all types of vitamins to increase immunity. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in our body. Vitamin C enhances immunity to colds, coughs and colds. It keeps our skin looking good.

Vitamin C also prevents various types of dental diseases. According to experts, Vitamin C is an essential macronutrient for the human body. As well as vitamin C keeps skin, hair and teeth well.

Vitamin C also reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. In addition, 30% of body weight can be reduced by drinking light hot water mixed with lemon alone. Vitamin C is not stored in the body.

Therefore, it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin C regularly to increase immunity. Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. E.g. Lemons, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, guavas, mangoes, raw mangoes, etc.

contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition, the antioxidants present in vitamin C keep the blood circulation of the heart normal. However, to take advantage of this, a full adult person should take about 80 to 90 mg daily.

The amount of vitamin C intake should be increased. Vitamin C can act as a tonic for the elderly. Because it prevents bone loss. In particular, all people over the age of 50 should take regular vitamin C.

And so, Their bodies are healthier and stronger than others of the same age. In addition, Vitamin C keeps the blood circulation in our eyes normal. As a result, it keeps our eyes well.

So you can eat lemon at least every day to increase immunity. Because, it is easily available throughout the year. Vitamin C powder is also available. So Vitamin C can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

2. You must drink water to increase immunity:-

Water is another name for life, the importance of water does not end there. Rather, we need to know how water keeps our body alive. Our bodies have their own immune systems, which work against many infections and diseases.

And drinking water in the canal stomach builds immunity in the body to work against all types of infections. Not only that, drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can lead to success in headaches, body aches, heart problems, etc.

And this water helps to flush out toxins from the blood. Also keeps the skin bright. Drinking water on an empty stomach has many health benefits. It’s important to keep yourself alive throughout the day.

So; In addition to waking up in the morning and drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water, you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water at regular intervals throughout the day.

This will keep our body healthy and increase the body's resistance to disease. So drinking water in the morning can be one of the best ways to increase your immunity.

3. Vitamin D enhances immunity:-

The immune system of the human body is quite stimulated when it receives vitamins. And Vitamin D is famous, which we get from sunlight. Bone formation does not occur when there is a lack of vitamin D.

In addition, recurrent infections can occur and diseases due to lack of immunity continue to occur. So to increase immunity we need to overcome the deficiency of vitamin 'D'.

Foods rich in vitamin D such as: milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, seafood, nuts, spinach; Eggs; Eating dried fish etc. can increase immunity. So Vitamin D can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

4. Honey enhances immunity:-

We all know sweet things. Everyone knows about the benefits of honey. The antiseptic in honey keeps the stomach healthy. Not only that, honey is very useful to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Honey removes contaminants from the body and enhances the body's resistance to disease. Sweet antioxidants protect the body from various shocks. In addition, the antioxidants in honey prevent diseases like cancer.

It protects cells from free radical damage. The calories in honey also increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. As a result, blood flow increases as well as immunity increases. So we should eat honey every day.

5. Zinc enhances immunity:-

Zinc is one of the few minerals that boosts the body's immune system. Like other nutrients, zinc plays an important role in maintaining good health. Zinc alone plays the role of more than 300 enzymes.

One of which is to increase immunity, cell division, cell growth, wound healing, protein and DNA synthesis. It is understood that zinc deficiency in the body will reduce immunity.

So the importance of zinc to increase immunity is immense. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, meat contain zinc. So zinc-rich foods can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

6. 1 apple a day enhances immunity:-

There is a saying that if you eat an apple every day, you don't have to go to the doctor. The main reason for this is that apples increase the body's resistance to disease like a tonic.

According to the American Association for Cancer Research, eating apples reduces the risk of cancer by about 23%. This is because the flavonols in apples create immunity against diseases like cancer.

Apples also lower cholesterol, benefit diabetics, keep the heart healthy, benefit diarrhea, prevent diseases like constipation, and prevent liver disease. Considering the ability of apples to prevent disease, many people recommend eating one apple a day.

So those who suffer from various diseases, they can eat apples regularly. So apples can be one of the best ways to boost your immunity.

7. Lemon should be eaten to increase immunity:-

As you may know, lemon is the best source of vitamin C. Which is beneficial for our health and helps prevent disease. Lemon helps to dissolve kidney stones.

Not only this, with the help of lemon you can reduce body fat and keep you disease free and smart. Again lemon juice eliminates body water emptiness and will keep you more vibrant.

Lemon contains citric acid, which is an organic acid. It benefits us and helps to increase the body's resistance to disease. Lemon Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron from the blood from food. So the more vitamin C there is in the body, the more benefits.

So lemon may be the best food to boost your immunity. So fresh lemons can be one of the best ways to boost your immunity.

8. Milk boosts immunity:-

You know, milk is one of the ideal food. Milk contains all kinds of vitamins and minerals except vitamin C. So for those who do not want to eat milk or dairy foods, it is normal for their nutritional needs to decrease and their immunity to decline.

An adult needs 600 mg of calcium in a day and 11 to 18 year olds need 1000 mg of calcium. This calcium requirement can be easily met by drinking milk.

The most interesting thing is that the amount of nutrition we can get by drinking a small amount of milk is not so easy to get from other foods. As a result, milk is one of the ideal foods. So you can include milk in your diet to boost your body's immune system.

9. Eating eggs increases immunity:-

If you don't want to catch a fever or a cough, make it a habit to eat eggs regularly. Because eggs contain zinc, which strengthens our immune system and boosts our body's resistance to disease.

According to a report, eggs do not allow blood to clot in the heart. So playing eggs regularly reduces the risk of heart attack. Vitamin E in eggs destroys free radicals in our cells. This reduces the risk of cancer.

So you can eat eggs regularly to increase immunity. Only 1 egg has 143 calories of energy, 0.62 grams of carbohydrates and 12.56 grams of protein.

As a result of the benefits of eggs, your immunity will increase significantly. So egg-eating habits can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

10. Bananas increase immunity against viruses:-

Banana is a favorite fruit of all of us. And this sweet tasting fruit is quite a tasty and nutritious food. Banana enhances the body's resistance to disease and eliminates physical problems.

Each 100 grams of banana has 116 calories, 75 m. Grams of calcium, 0.7 m. Gram, also contains vitamins B, B6. This vitamin ‘B’ makes the essential amino acids for our body.

In this way the blood sugar stays right and with it the amount of hemoglobin in the blood stays right; And increases hemoglobin. This greatly increases our body's resistance to disease.

Also playing ripe bananas produces a compound called TNF-A in the body. It increases the body's resistance to disease as well as white blood cells. This reduces the risk of blood cancer.

Ripe bananas are rich in potassium. So eating just one ripe banana a day will keep the heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart attack. Bananas are also rich in natural carbohydrates. These carbohydrates give us energy.

That's why bananas are on the food list of hardworking people or players. By eating banana we can keep ourselves healthy and strong and increase the body's resistance to disease. So bananas can be one of the best ways to boost your immunity.

11. Dates increase immunity:-

Dates are the best fruit in terms of nutrition. Only 100 grams of dates contain 0.09 grams of iron. There are also more minerals including sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, vitamins. Dates are more nutritious than any other fruit.

Dates contain 3 types of antioxidants. These antioxidants reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Dates are rich in cellulose and fiber which helps in digestion and relieves constipation.

Dates also contain dietary fiber, which eliminates harmful cholesterol. You can eat 3 to 4 fresh dates regularly to increase your immunity and keep your body healthy and strong by increasing your immunity. So dates can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

12. Green leafy vegetables increase immunity:-

Fresh and green vegetables contain all kinds of vitamins and minerals. These are essential elements for our body. Colored vegetables also contain an antioxidant called beta carotene.

This antioxidant builds immunity against viral infections. In addition, carrots, sweet pumpkins and various colorful vegetables contain vitamin A. Vitamin A enhances the immune system.

Try to eat vegetables regularly to boost your immune system and keep your body healthy and strong. Green, fresh and fresh vegetables can be one of the best ways to boost your immune system.

13. Regular exercise increases immunity:-

Physical exercise makes our body stronger and stronger. Exercising regularly not only keeps the body healthy but also increases our immunity. At least 30 to 40 minutes of brisk walking or exercise every day.

There are several benefits to exercising. Exercise increases blood circulation in the body. As a result, the risk of dying from heart disease can be reduced through exercise.

Regular exercise leads to the loss of excess fat stored in the body, resulting in weight loss.

  1. Exercise reduces the risk of diabetes.
  2. Regular exercise lowers high blood pressure.
  3. There is no substitute for regular physical exercise to increase digestive energy.
  4. Regular exercise should be done to relieve back pain.
  5. Exercise increases blood circulation and strengthens the circulatory system.

14. To increase immunity, you need to be clean and tidy:-

Cleanliness on the one hand retains beauty and on the other hand keeps the body disease free. By staying clean, one can stay away from various diseases including viruses and bacteria.

Keeping the skin of the body clean relieves various skin diseases. If you keep your hands clean regularly, germs cannot enter the stomach while eating. So immunity increases and we all need to pay special attention to cleanliness.

15. Release antibiotics to increase immunity:-

Antibiotics should not be taken without the advice of a specialist. Antibiotics destroy our body's normal immune system. Especially after taking antibiotics for 1 week in a row, our small intestine becomes weak.

Which takes at least 3 weeks to recover. So even if there is no bacterial infection, antibiotics cannot be taken without the advice of a specialist doctor. Then our normal immunity will be fine and the body's immunity will increase.

Shahriar hs

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